We would like to invite you to the exhibition of works by Urszula Wilk, who is coming back to Galeria EL Art Centre after 25 years.
Let’s imagine the exhibition which thematizes sheer motility around atypical exhibition space.
We are entering an empty and soaring nave of the former gothic church filled with several dozen transparent large-surface foils stretched out in a space on which the artist applied huge shapely spots of blue paint. The foils are very thin, we can see other shapes of the same color through them, which seem to float in space and fill it out. We come into tunnels which they create, a labirynth made out of forms detached from its surface. We look through some of these works, seeing only surrounding us blue. By moving we create constant change of arrangement of those shapes, which seem to be in motion with us. They become our companions for a while.
During our wandering „Blumetrie” became measurement systems, show us how during our movement a character of space of which we are a part of is changing. „Blumetrie” stają się systemami miary, pokazują jak podczas naszego ruchu zmienia się charakter miejsca, którego jesteśmy częścią. We participate in the continuous process of creating new systems and connections. Staying inside of colorful corridors, we are immersed in blue. Surfaces, lines and shapes created on stretched foils and canvases create the impression of the depth of the vast space of the nave. We seem to lift up together with a stream of uniform color flooding us. Zdajemy się wręcz unosić ku górze wraz z zalewającą nas falą jednolitego koloru. In the end, the forms merge with each other, it is difficult to distinguish one shape, as it immediately changes into another. Wayfaring through these blue corridors resembles a story – a fleeting, broken impression.
Stanisław Małecki
„I have chosen a foil and water-based paints, in fact, against the logic of the painting technology, because in theory combining these two media is impossible. I would like to emphasize the transience and ephemeral nature of actions together with the constant transformation and instability of matter. The process of moving from one state to the next one. Works that are simultaneously in the process of arising and decaying, construction and deconstruction. ”
Urszula Wilk
Urszula Wilk | Blumetrie cd.
Opening day: 18.02.2021, from 2pm to 6pm.
The exhibition lasts until: 25.04.2021
Curator: Stanisław Małecki